People often ask me “Stephanie – how do you do all of the things you do?” I don’t have an answer for them other than I have been given the gift of being able to do what inspires me for a living in a variety of different capacities.
I have an odd claim to fame in that nearly every job I have ever had I have created. I have almost never taken over for someone, and my positions were ones I got to make up along the way. Upon leaving most of these positions in education or business I was often replaced with multiple people. It was never that I was doing so much it was that at a very young age I had some seriously amazing mentors – both men and women who taught me how to empower young people to be leaders.
This talent allowed me to do many things at the same time because others around me were being invited to lead parts of whatever I was accountable for.
I most recently left a job that truly was my heart and soul for ten years. Working with young women at an all-girls high school in the areas of service and leadership programs and courses was a dream come true. While I was doing this job I got to interact with every kind of human being: the poor, the sick, the elderly, those with special needs, kids, parents, teens, grandparents; no one was left out.
The journey I have been on has given me a keen insight into the hearts of people, and especially what calls young women to conquer any obstacle and develop into powerful yet graceful people of integrity.
Today, I am able to run Get Smart with INCREDIBLE young women, work for several people and organizations that I believe in, and complete my Masters in Organizational Psychology at Columbia University all at the same time. Now add in friends, family, working out, cooking, traveling, and the occasional spa day and VOILA – you have a created life.
Life is a very precious gift that is to be lived in the moment. In order to be the best we can we must surround ourselves with positive people and experiences, and bring hope and inspiration where it is missing. While we are at it, we must also protect ourselves along the way. For the best hearts are often the most sensitive, and it is never ok for people to take advantage of or hurt us without setting boundaries.
You were put on the planet for a purpose that you may not fully know right now. I wish for every young women the life of everyday miracles that I have been given. Whatever I can do along the way to help you see just how awesome you are, then I am going to do it – ALWAYS.
My goal is to reach 10,000 young women and their mentors, teachers, and parents by the end of 2013. If you’d like to receive our weekly motivational emails with some of our featured articles, please click here. If you’d like to write for us, we are always looking for writers of all ages. Click here to apply to write!
Thank you to the countless amazing people in my life who keep me flowing with inspiration. You are my evidence of miracles and life would not be the same without each and every one of you!
Perfectly Imperfectly Yours,
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