“After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart… and if you’re very lucky, a plane ride away.” – Sex and the City

Mia1.jpgThere comes a day in every girl’s life when her biggest dream and worst fear become a reality all at once. It’s usually when it is time to start a new adventure; perhaps it’s right after graduation or a few years later. It is both an exciting and terrifying time, and this new adventure is most likely quite a long distance away from her “people”- her best friend, mom, dad, sister, brother, significant other, mentors.

Now, let’s say she is thousands of miles away from the comfort of home, trying to adjust and make new friends, working a new job and attempting to see the inside of a gym every once in a while. The only way she has to communicate with her loved ones is through a small electronic box called a cell phone, which has spotty service and an ever-dying battery. Let’s just say she is officially perplexed by her current situation. Oh, and let’s also say that she is me…right now.

In an earlier post about moving out to Southern California for the summer, I discussed the idea of conquering the challenges of moving across the country alone. My experience, in theory, is not too different than many others. The location and names may differ, but growing up and moving away from home usually happens to everybody at some point. However, how we navigate the challenges we face determine the outcome of our adventures.

Use Your Life Compass

I want you to picture a compass. You are the needle and the world is laid out in front of you. Your journey is defined by “north,” which we’ll call the person you will ultimately become. North contains your hopes and dreams. Pointed in that direction, your journey unfolds. But sometimes, for whatever reason, good or bad, life takes you east, south or west.

On a compass, the needle is held in place by a pin at the center. While we are adventuring, exploring and growing in all the different directions that life takes us, it is imperative Compassthat we remember what keeps us grounded and centered… that pin in the middle of the compass. This pin represents our loved ones. The ones who encourage us, love us, support us and challenge us, while reminding us who we are at our core and ensuring we are never out there all alone.

It is easy to get caught up with all of the wonderful days with new friends, a new job and months of exploring. But remember that your needle, being pulled north to your hopes and dreams, is not floating all over the place because it is held in place by a pin, your people. With that being said, never be afraid to add another forever friend to your center pin.

Keep Your People Close

Chances are you won’t live next door to your parents, siblings or friends. Chances are your loved ones will go on their own adventures, as they should. So how do we conquer the challenge of having friends and family all over the country and world? On a smaller scale, don’t let weeks go by without a phone call, use FaceTime/Skype and send them a text when you have a moment. Make the effort, because your people will always be a priority. On a larger scale, get in your car or buy a plane ticket and go to them. Make new friends, explore the world and become the person you’ve always wanted to be, but be deliberate in making, keeping and cherishing your people.

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