SAttavarPicIn today’s fast moving world, we barely have any time to stop and breathe. We’re constantly on the run to achieve our goals. And in the process, might even forget to take care of ourselves or look after ourselves like we should. I, sometimes, end up skipping meals and workouts and giving up on sleep because I’m on social media stalking my “frenemies,” and then wonder why I look like a hot mess at the end of the day. The media keeps showing me how I do not have the “perfect body” but, is that all I need? A perfect body? What is the perfect body anyway? Isn’t it far more than just appearance? It’s about how healthy I really am. I could be skinny or I could be heavy and I could still be healthy.

It’s extremely important to look after our body and our health, but that doesn’t mean we need to alter our appearance. It does feel good when you’re fit and can run up a flight of stairs without completely losing your breath. Being fit and healthy helps you fight diseases. It boosts your energy and controls weight. It also improves your mood. So here are eight simple steps to incorporate into our daily life to help keep fit and healthy.

1. Go jogging instead of gymming: Jogging is a great way to exercise. Cancel the expensive gym membership and hit the track instead. Even jogging a kilometer every day or every other day can make a significant difference. And to top it off, it costs you absolutely nothing!

2. Go cycling: Ditch your car keys for those last minute grocery shopping trips in your neighborhood. Go cycling instead. It is great exercise and also fun! It may be unsafe to travel main roads on a bicycle, but it can be used for short distances.

3. Embrace the water baby in you: Forget saunas and slimming pills, take a dive into your swimming pool. For every 10 minutes of swimming, you burn 80-100 calories, and it is an effective way to tone up.

4. Ditch that elevator: Walking up the stairs is good for the heart and circulation. It won’t hurt to go up just one or two floors; it is a simple exercise you could even do at work.

Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail5. Spend some time in the sun: We tend to spend so much of our time indoors. Not getting enough sunlight could lead to a Vitamin D deficiency which causes bone problems. Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day in the sun to stock up on this key vitamin.

6. Drink more water: We hear this everywhere, and it may sound cliché, but water works wonders. Water washes out harmful toxins and keeps vital organs in good shape. It is recommended to have 8-10 glasses of water a day to be well hydrated.

7. Take a balanced diet, Don’t eat out, Carry lunch: A balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and fiber in moderate amounts is essential for good health. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Avoid having food outside. Home cooked food is not just healthier but also easier on the wallet.

8. Don’t let TV or the internet deprive you of sleep: If you’re feeling sleep deprived, lethargic, etc., it could be because you have been spending too much time watching TV or on the net. An adult needs about 6-7 hours of sleep on average, or it shows in their behavior and ability to grasp information.

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