We honor a legend and stand on her shoulders:
Meet the Get Smart Summer Interns! (the first half!)
“…I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.”
~ Maya Angelou
As the saddening news of the passing of the legendary Maya Angelou hit the world yesterday, it seemed fitting to use some of her soulful words to introduce some of the phenomenal women who will be working with Get Smart this summer. Dr. Angelou was a lover of words, women, peace, and healing. We look to her inspiration to ignite the passion and leadership of these amazing 10 young ladies who will contribute their own creativity, writing, heart, and soul to our mission! We have 10 summer interns in total, and we are proud to introduce you to the first half of game changers! We’ll let them speak for themselves!
Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and I’m 20. I’m a junior at Saint Michaels College in Vermont where I’m majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry and anthropology. In addition to interning for Get Smart, I’ll be spending my summer at school in Vermont. I was blessed enough to receive a summer research grant so I’ll be working on a fabulous research project with my advisor. I’m here because I believe in Get Smart and everything it has to offer. I’ve experienced the impact of empowered young women with steph and I’m a firm believer. I want to show other young woman the world of possibilities that are awaiting them.
Hi! I’m Caroline. I’m 21 and just graduated from Ramapo College with a degree in Literature and a minor in Creative Writing. For the past 7 years I’ve worked as a librarian, but I recently just got hired full-time in legal services. Even though I have a job, I still wanted to intern with Get Smart this summer because I truly believe in her cause and want to be a part of this great organization she’s running. Stephanie came to speak at Ramapo a few weeks back, and she really runs a wonderful program that I’m so glad I get to be a part of!
Hi girls! I’m Donna and I am soon to be 21 years old. I am about to be a senior at Montclair State University where I am majoring in English and working towards becoming an elementary school teacher. I am so excited to be interning for Get Smart. I think it is so important that women (and men) feel empowered every day. Being a part of a generation that focuses so much on outer beauty and being “perfect” is quite depressing. It is extremely necessary that we get the message out there that everyone should feel good about who they are no matter what other people tell them! I cannot wait to get started!
Hi everyone! Im Katie! Im 20 and going to be a junior at Ramapo College of New Jersey and I’m a Global Communication major. This summer I’ll be having fun interning. I also waitress so that will keep me very busy. I’m so excited to be a part of Get Smart and help send out positive messages to girls and women! I’m so excited to kick off the summer!
Hi! My name is Michelle and I am a senior at Marist College. I am studying psychology and in the process of becoming certified as a Child Life Specialist. I am 21 years old and I am engaged to my high school sweetheart! This summer I will be living at home where I will be interning with Get Smart, hopefully nannying, and planning my wedding! I am so excited to be interning for Get Smart because I want to help young women value themselves for who they are! I’m so thankful for this opportunity and can’t wait to get started!
Get Smart, Get Inspired
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